The Better Blog

How to Stop Vulvoganinal Itching During Menopause | Better Not Younger

How to Soothe Itching 'Down There'

If you have a vulva, chances are you’re familiar with that wave of panic that comes when you’re in a public setting and you feel a twinge below the belt. Not wanting to be crude, you resist the urge to scratch as the twinge escalates to a full-blown itch. You steel your nerves just long enough to find a safe haven in the nearest bathroom and scratch your way to sweet relief. Vulvovaginal itching is common at all ages and life stages, but menopause takes it to a whole new level. And while our mothers and grandmothers may have resolved themselves to “just live with it,” we don’t have to! So, here’s what you should know.
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How to Get Rid of Menopausal Belly Fat

How to Get Rid of Menopausal Belly Fat

90% of all women gain 12 to 15 pounds during the stages of menopause… Ouch! Weight gain around the middle aka “Belly Fat” is associated with increases in blood pressure, fasting glucose, and cardiovascular disease, so managing weight gain is no longer about vanity, it’s about longevity. 

As we age, our muscle mass decreases so we burn fewer calories, we often have more chronic stress, and we sleep less. These factors contribute to weight gain AND can make weight loss even more difficult. Fortunately, there are choices within our control to start feeling better faster. 

Here are 3 simple but powerful levers you can push to help support midlife weight loss: what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat. You can push one, two, or all three of these levers depending on how you currently feel, how you want to feel, and how quickly you want to feel better. 

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How I Decided To Start My Business During Menopause

How I Decided To Start My Business During Menopause

I’m Rochelle Weitzner, the founder of PAUSE Well-Aging™, a skincare line developed to find solutions to the pain points experienced during menopause, but there’s something you should know: I knew nothing about menopause before it happened to me. I vaguely knew that menopause had to do with estrogen fluctuations and periods ceasing forever. I didn’t have any idea that there were three stages of it and that once you started menopause, you were in it for the rest of your life.

I had heard about hot flashes but had no clue what one would actually feel like… until it happened to me. During the summer of 2017, I was driving to the beach and suddenly found myself sweating. I mean really sweating. So, I cranked up the A/C and was ready to crack a joke about the heat when I noticed everyone else in the car was shivering. And then it hit me: I was 48 and this was my first hot flash.

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Top 3 Beauty Products to Look Fabulous After 40

Top 3 Beauty Products to Look Fabulous After 40

Just as we’ve learned to navigate life’s twists and turns, your beauty routine requires some tweaks along the way, too—especially as we enter early menopause and beyond. Makeup artistry has been my passion for over 40 years. I’ve helped countless women select and apply makeup and skincare products that address every concern from increased dryness and fine lines to sagging eyelids and undefined cheekbones. That’s why I’m sharing all my favorite makeup secrets and tips to help you look fabulous over 40 and make the best of what you’ve got—including the top 3 beauty products every menopausal woman needs on her radar, right now!
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Three women celebrating birthday with Confidence After 50

Confidence After 50

Studies have shown that many women lose confidence when they hit their 50s. It’s argued that the physiological changes of an aging body exacerbated by a culture infatuated with youth and beauty leave the 50-year-old female insecure, alone in a house once vibrant with kids and life while the husband golfs, and the kids study at college.

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Which Superpower™ Scalp Serum Is Right for You?

Which Superpower™ Scalp Serum Is Right for You?

When we think about age-related beauty routines, we usually focus on skincare that addresses fine lines, wrinkles, dullness and age spots. We've all seen tons of ads for face creams and serums. But it's super important that we don't forget the aging skin on our scalps. When we neglect our scalps, they can become irritated, unbalanced and unable to support healthy hair. 

Enter scalp serums! 

Like skincare products made for aging skin, scalp serums for mature hair help fight common concerns of aging that happen to our scalp and hair. The main difference is that scalp serums also work hard to support an optimal environment for better hair. The best scalp serums rejuvenate the scalp using natural ingredients to encourage a balanced and toned scalp, nourish follicles and support healthy hair from root to tip.

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The Truth About Menopause’s Biggest Myths

The Truth About Menopause’s Biggest Myths

You hear stories all the time—from mothers, sisters, friends, and, of course, the always-reliable Internet. But what’s the reality behind the menopause myths you may feel uncomfortable asking your doctor about? Dr. Ekta Kapoor, an endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic and a specialist in menopause and women’s sexual health, talked to Womaness to separate fact from fiction…and empower you with accurate information so you can enter this life stage on a positive note.
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The No-Nonsense Guide to Vaginal Dryness

The No-Nonsense Guide to Vaginal Dryness

We know that vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms of menopause, but that doesn’t make it any less of a pain in the, *ahem*, vag. It’s uncomfortable, disruptive, and downright annoying.

But silver linings time: There is a plethora of prescription medicines, at-home remedies, and alternative medicine practices to make things a little more comfortable down there.

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8 Resolutions to Cultivate Women's Empowerment

8 Resolutions to Cultivate Women's Empowerment

Self love, self care and power at every age are inextricably linked to personal and political power.

Self-love begins with recognizing that you are a valuable, valid, holy part of nature, and part of creation.You are nature, no less than a tree or a blossom. You are worthy of being cared for, cherished and advocated for. 

One form of self love is boundaries. You come to a deep understanding of your own capacities, preferences and desires, and have a sense of your boundaries. Good boundaries increase the energy you have to give to the rest of the world. Creating boundaries doesn’t mean you’re making a tight little circle around yourself. You might have the personal capacity to have boundaries that are immense and wide and all-encompassing! Nonetheless, you know what they are—and when you approach them, you’re able to take the steps needed to take care of yourself. When you are self-loving, you know that that is a valid thing to do. When you know yourself, you also know when you have greater limits and capacities than other people, and when you can go that extra mile when others might flag.  

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Generativity: The Psychospiritual Opportunity at Midlife

Generativity: The Psychospiritual Opportunity at Midlife

The third age, for many women, comes with a proximate biological marker: the end of menstruation. Our hormones and cycles may change suddenly, or gradually over a multi-year period, until eventually monthly bleeding stops completely. The average age in the west for this final menstruation is 52, but it can range from the early 40s to the mid 60s. "Post-menopause" is a boring name for the time after the bleeding stops- it’s a boring word for one of the most creatively vital parts of our life (this is why I call it ‘the free period’, instead). 
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Three Women Working Out to To Improve Menopause Symptoms

How To Improve Your Menopause Symptoms

82% of women reported that sleep disturbances had a high impact on their quality of life in Gennev’s 2021 Women in Menopause Report. And lack of sleep can impact just about everything in our lives.  In addition to physical health, it can largely affect moods, productivity, weight, and mental health.  There are many reasons women don’t enjoy the restful sleep they once did during this time of their lives.  Hot flashes and night sweats, increased anxiety, urinary issues, restless leg syndrome, even new digestive challenges, can all contribute to women having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. 
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Why Menopausal Women Can't Sleep

Why Menopausal Women Can't Sleep

Are you approaching the stage in your life when menopause is starting to set in? You may be prepared to deal with things like hot flashes and mood swings, but menopause also affects things that you might not fully expect, including your quality of sleep. For most women, this is a temporary adjustment that starts to even out after that initial menopausal change, but it's still something that can cause quite a disturbance in your life. Recently there has been much research done on menopause and many science-backed solutions developed to help women ease the transition into menopause. 
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