The Better Blog

A woman looking her menopausal acne in the mirror

What Does Menopausal Acne Look Like?

It feels unfair that we have to add menopausal acne to the long list of bodily changes we might expect during perimenopause and menopause. We already know about fatigue, insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes and even unwanted facial hair growth—can't Mother Nature cut us a break?
Sadly, no. But luckily, she doesn't get the final say!
Menopausal and perimenopausal oily skin and acne are treatable at home. There are many options for fighting menopausal acne, including over-the-counter skin treatments, dietary supplements, lifestyle changes and updates to your skincare routine that can help prevent breakouts and support clear, healthy skin during menopause. Keep reading to learn more about what causes menopausal acne and the options for preventative menopausal acne treatment!
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Help! I’m Seeing Sunspots Around My Hairline

Help! I’m Seeing Sunspots Around My Hairline

If you have noticed light brown or grayish patches on your skin at midlife, you're not alone! Nearly 83 million older Americans have discolored patches known as sunspots. They're especially common on the parts of the body most exposed to sunlight: the neck, forearms, hands and face—and this includes your hairline. 

The good news is that even though these sunspots might be unwanted and bothersome, they usually aren't cause for concern. They're simply clumps of melanin that appear due to sun exposure. And even though preventing sunspots is ideal, there are many ways to treat your existing sunspots to lighten and minimize the appearance of these dark patches and prevent further spots. 

Read on to learn more about preventing sunspots on your face and hairline, and what you can do about sunspots if you already have them!

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Better Not Younger features a woman looking herself at the mirror and checking her skin state carefully.

Should You Mix Salicylic Acid and Retinol During Menopause?

As we enter perimenopause and menopause, it's no secret that our skin undergoes some significant changes. Aging skin tends to be drier and less elastic than younger skin, and we might start experiencing the breakouts we dealt with as teenagers again. It's incredibly frustrating to be dealing with breakouts and aging skin simultaneously! Is there a way to tackle both at once? 

The answer is yes, by using salicylic acid and retinol. But proceed with caution so you don't irritate your skin! 

Salicylic acid is the gold standard for acne prevention, and topical retinol is the first-line treatment for wrinkles and loss of elasticity in aging skin. Keep reading to learn how to add salicylic acid and retinol into your skincare routine safely!

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A caucasian woman touching her face skin as a sign of well hydrated slastic skin.

Could the Lines on Your Face Be a Sign of Dehydration?

Fine lines and wrinkles are inevitable as we age and our skin loses its elasticity. It's a part of life that we embrace for the privilege of growing older. But if your skin is chronically dehydrated, the lines and wrinkles you notice might be dehydration lines and wrinkles. 

Not to worry! Amping up your skin's hydration is easy and will help reduce the appearance of those pesky dehydration lines under your eyes and elsewhere on your face. Read on to learn more about what causes dehydrated skin and how to rehydrate it to curb dehydration lines and wrinkles!

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