The Better Blog

Better Not Younger features on "Can Dehydration Cause Hair Loss?", a woman over 40 with long gray hair holding a glass of water.

Is Dehydration Behind Your Hair Loss?

Nearly two-thirds of the human body is water. Water plays a key role in digestion, energy levels, skin health and organ function. So it’s no surprise that dehydration taxes our kidneys and liver and can make our skin look dry, dull and uneven. Being dehydrated can even cause symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Water also plays a major role in our hair health. This is why dehydration can make our hair become brittle and prone to breakage, and dehydration can even impact hair loss. 

Read on to learn more about the link between dehydration and hair loss and how to identify dehydration symptoms in your hair!

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In This Article about the best hair care routine for winter, Better Not Younger features a mature woman with black long hair wearing a light blue sweater on a blue background created by the sky.

Fail-Safe Fixes for 7 Common Winter Hair Problems

Old Man Winter didn’t earn his name for being warm and fuzzy. Frigid temperatures, harsh winds, and bone-dry air are just a few of his defining traits—precisely what our delicate aging tresses can do without. We’ve come to your rescue with solutions to all your winter haircare woes this cold weather season.

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