Fail-Safe Fixes for 7 Common Winter Hair Problems

Old Man Winter didn’t earn his name for being all warm and fuzzy. Frigid temperatures, harsh winds and bone-dry air are just a few of his defining traits—and exactly what our delicate aging tresses can do without. But since there’s no counting on the ol’ guy to change his temperament any time soon, we’ve come to your rescue with solutions to all your winter hair-care woes this cold weather season.

  1. Split Ends and Breakage

Nothing ruins a smooth, sleek hairstyle faster than split ends. All that fraying not only lends an unkempt look to any coif but once a split starts the only option is a trim. Split ends come about for a variety of reasons from everyday wear and tear like overuse of hot styling tools and too-tight hair ties to a lack of moisture in your tresses—and the cold weather only makes matters worse.


To prevent breakage and split ends from setting in, be gentle with your tresses when brushing your strands (especially when wet) and towel-drying your hair. Cutting down on how often you use hot styling tools is the answer to many hair problems, split ends included. And remember, silk is your hair’s best friend. Sleeping on a silk pillow, swapping a silk scarf for your wooly standby and even lining your winter hat with silky fabric will all help prevent breakage and split ends from getting out of control. To nourish and strengthen your hair to prevent split ends from occurring, use our Wake Up Call Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner. This powerful duo is clinically proven to reduce breakage by 98%.

  1. Flyaways and Static Hair

We just said so long to all that summer frizz, only to be replaced by static-y strands. You can thank the dry air and indoor heat for that! Static hair manifests from low moisture levels in the air coupled by all your cozy winter accessories, which create heat and friction that build up an electric charge. And fine hair is especially susceptible to static during the winter months.


Any hydrating shampoo and conditioner will help moisturize your fine hair and make it less prone to static. Ionic styling tools are also a must as they won’t deplete your hair of moisture the way other styling tools can. Our No Remorse Heat Protection & Taming Spray, in addition to being a nonnegotiable before any session with your blow-dryer or flat iron, is also a fabulous winter hair-care option for instantly adding hydration and counteracting static any time throughout the day.

  1. Tangled and Matted Tresses

It makes sense that your hair will tangle and knot up more easily during the winter months—after all, your hair is rubbing against all those cozy layers you’ve wrapped around your head, neck and shoulders. All this contact with your coat collar and scarf disturbs your cuticles, making strands matted.

The fix can be found in a deep-conditioning hair mask that focuses on damage repair by bringing back moisture to hair strands so they become smooth and shiny and less likely to tangle in the first place—and our Hair Redemption Restorative Butter Masque is up for the task! Hair already knotted up? We’ve got everything you need to know about the best detangling techniques and preventative measures for your hair type right here.


  1. Itchy, Sensitive, Dry Scalp

The only white flakes we want to see during the winter months are the frosty snow-white kind. Unfortunately, excessive dry air from indoor heat, too many hot showers, plus lower moisture levels can lead to an itchy, inflamed or dry scalp that lacks the essential natural oils required of a healthy scalp.

To help restore the balance of natural oils, easing up on your shampooing frequency and switching to a sulfate-free hydrating shampoo and conditioner can help. As can a serum like our Superpower Fortifying Hair & Scalp Serum, which is designed to rebalance scalp oils while conditioning your skin and hair at the roots to promote thicker, healthier hair. Investing in a humidifier for your home to add moisture back into the air and hydrate your dry scalp can help, too. 

  1. Dry, Straw-Like Strands

Dry heat zaps moisture equally from your hair and scalp—it doesn’t discriminate. And if your scalp is already at a loss for moisture due to aging or menopause, your lower sebum levels are making your hair—especially curly hair—that much more vulnerable to frizz and breakage.

This means your winter hair-care plan will surely benefit from a hydrating shampoo and conditioner. It’s also wise to avoid hot styling tools as well as blonde or platinum highlights and any treatments that expose tresses to harsher chemicals. The good news: Low moisture levels are no match for an ultra-hydrating hair mask designed to boost moisture and, best of all, lock it in!

  1. Hat Hair Hassles

No winter hair-care routine is complete without a plan of action for dealing with hat hair. While an often unavoidable casualty of the cold-weather season, flattened-out tresses that take on unwanted bends and twists are actually salvageable.

The best hairstyles for hiding hat hair are those with texture—so if you have naturally curly hair or even a slight wave, you’re at an advantage for downplaying any unwanted ripples your hat may create. When drying your hair, make sure your strands lack any amount of moisture or warmth before putting on your hat as this will prevent them from molding into an undesirable, flattened look. That silk-lined hat for preventing breakage and split ends will also help avoid creating creases, while a hair thickener will help stop fine hair from falling flat. And never leave home without your dry shampoo—it instantly helps fluff up tresses to bring back fullness!

  1. Windblown Tresses

Nothing can undo a hairstyle more quickly than windy weather. And once your hair’s been whipped around by gusts of wind the chance of tangles and knots increases. Protective styles like buns and braids are your best course of action when braving the outdoors during the cold windy season, but having a scrunchie close at hand or even a silk scarf works perfectly well, too.

Wind damage is real, so be sure to keep your tresses conditioned with weekly hair masks as this extra love will help offset some of the damage and help strands maintain moisture in the face of the strongest gusts. And remember to keep your split ends in check, as they can easily worsen when exposed to windy weather.


Tell Us: What winter hair problems are wreaking havoc on your hair and scalp? Share your winter hair-care tips in the comments below!

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