The Better Blog
Fail-Safe Fixes for 7 Common Winter Hair Problems
Old Man Winter didn’t earn his name for being warm and fuzzy. Frigid temperatures, harsh winds, and bone-dry air are just a few of his defining traits—precisely what our delicate aging tresses can do without. We’ve come to your rescue with solutions to all your winter haircare woes this cold weather season.
4 Hairstyles for 4 Winter Hair Woes
It’s easy to believe our bad hair days are behind us now that summer’s heat and humidity have flown south for the winter—taking our frizzy strands along for the ride. Why wouldn’t we assume it’s smooth sailing for our tresses until spring?
Unfortunately winter plays host to a whole slew of new hair problems and styling dilemmas. Topping the list is cold dry air and indoor heat, which lead to super-dry tresses that are prone to breakage and static. And hat hair—don’t even get us started!
That’s why we came up with a list of our favorite hairstyles for winter designed to solve the most common winter hair woes. They’re not only easy to style but they’ll help prevent damaging your delicate, aging tresses throughout the long winter ahead.
How To Treat Scalp Dryness in Winter
Add in age-related hormone changes, holiday stress, and arid furnace heat — and you have an all-too-potent recipe for dry, itchy scalp. This condition can cause many problems ranging from irritation and discomfort to damaged strands and hair fall. So what can you do? Thankfully, there are steps you can take to rehydrate your scalp and revitalize your dry, brittle locks in the process. Read on to discover how to treat scalp dryness in winter.
Can Hot Water Dry Out My Hair and Scalp in Winter?
Hot water pulls moisture from your skin and pries open your hair’s outer cuticle layer, leaving your strands vulnerable to dehydration and breakage. Hot water can absolutely dry out your hair and scalp in winter. Better Not Younger is here to show you how to reduce damaged hair.
Can a Hair Mask Help Winter Hair Fall?
Hair masks can help winter hair fall. Your hair and scalp need nourishment and protection from the elements to maintain their health and vibrancy. The right hair mask can prevent radical damage and slow hair fall during the winter months. Keep reading to discover how replacing your regular conditioner with Better Not Younger's Hair Redemption Restorative Butter Masque or Silver Lining Purple Butter Masque a few minutes a week can restore your scalp and hair biology.
How To Take Care Of Your Hair and Scalp In Winter
Why Do We Lose More Hair During Fall and Winter Months?
Nothing messes up a relaxing hot shower like the discovery of a clump of hair in your drain. More likely than not, you are dealing with seasonal hair loss. According to research studies, your hair’s growth cycle follows a seasonal trend related to how your body reacts to the changes in the amount of sunlight it receives. The good news is that you can help slow shedding and boost hair and scalp health during the colder seasons.