Does Folic Acid Help Hair Growth?

Folic acid, also known as folate, is a B vitamin responsible for helping your body create healthy new cells. Everyone needs folic acid, with no exception. A deficiency in folic acid could cause problems for your hair and your body overall.
If you notice new issues arising with your hair, there is a chance that, among other things, a folic acid deficiency could be involved. In that case, quality supplements will ensure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need to support healthy, beautiful hair and overall health and wellness.
What Exactly Is Folic Acid Responsible for in the Body?
The human body produces several billion new cells each day. Folic acid plays a critical role in the production of those new cells. Without folic acid, people can run into serious health problems alongside hair loss and hair quality degradation.
Don’t underestimate the importance of folic acid for your hair. Folic acid is in many fortified foods, and supplements are safe to consume.
How Does Folic Acid Help Promote Hair Growth?
Research is mixed regarding the exact benefits of folic acid in regards to hair loss. But if you have a deficiency in folic acid, there could be a chance that you’ll suffer through hair loss and premature graying.
In support of a connection, consider your skin, hair and nails. These are parts of your body that often grow at a rapid rate compared to other areas. Folic acid is critical for new cell development and maintenance, so having a steady supply of folic acid in your system is vital in supporting healthy, strong and vibrant hair growth.
Folic acid, combined with other vitamins and nutrients, can also help you restore the vitality and health of your hair as well as promote hair growth. Remember, hair growth and health is a multi-layered process, and folic acid alone isn’t going to be a miracle cure. However, supplementing it is a critical part of growing hair.
How Much Folic Acid Should I Take?
According to the Office of Dietary Supplements consumer fact sheet, everyone aged 19 or older should intake roughly 400mg of folic acid daily. You can get folic acid from many different food sources, but one of the easiest and best ways to get your daily amount of folic acid comes as supplements.
It’s important to remember that folic acid isn’t just a one-stop-shop solution. There are other vitamins you should take that can help you in regard to hair loss.
Supplements are easy, convenient, and you don’t need to adjust large parts of your diet to accommodate the amount of nutrients and vitamins you need. Most people will get enough folic acid to meet the daily requirements from regular meals.
Good Sources of Folic Acid
If you find that you’re suffering from hair loss or other hair-related issues, then supplementing folic acid might be the best choice for you.
There are many natural sources of folic acids out there, including:
- Beef liver
- Vegetables such as dark leafy greens, asparagus and brussel sprouts
- Fruits and fruit juices
- Nuts, legumes, and peas
Additionally, in 1998, the U.S. government ordered that all enriched grain products get fortified with folic acid. This was done to aid pregnant women in getting the necessary amounts of folic acid they need to prevent any potential congenital disabilities since folic acid deficiencies can cause them.
Eating rice, breads, pastas and cereals fortified in folic acid is an excellent way to reach the daily recommended amount you need for hair health and growth.
Are There Any Risks Associated With Folic Acid?
Remember, folic acid is just one of the many B vitamins that make up B complex vitamins. There’s nothing inherently dangerous with folic acid, and you need to intake it daily for proper cell growth. The real risk with folic acid is in its deficiency, not in its side effects.
If you need to take folic acid supplements, take them at the recommended amount or as instructed by a healthcare provider.
Does Folic Acid Help With Hair Loss?
Folic acid is an important B vitamin that, along with other vitamins, can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Let's dive into exactly how this works!
Since folic acid plays an important role in producing new red blood cells and cell growth, it is a necessary vitamin for our hair, skin, and nails. Folic acid (folate) is a nutrient that can give your hair growth a boost, and help with hair loss or hair thinning. This vitamin is essential for healthy hair care!
Pregnant women often take prenatal vitamins, which are chock-full of essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. One vitamin, in particular, stands out from the rest: folic acid.
You may have complimented a pregnant woman on her shiny hair or experienced pregnancy hair growth and restoration yourself! Much of this can be attributed to the folic acid in prenatal vitamins and supplements.
Most men and women should get about 400 micrograms of folic acid in their daily diet, but this amount is increased for pregnant women. It is generally recommended that pregnant women receive about 600 mcg of folic acid.
Loading up on prenatal vitamins when you aren’t pregnant can seem like a good idea with hair growth in mind. Your nutrient needs are different when you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant versus when you’re not. For these reasons, a safer bet is to stick with supplements or multivitamins with folic acid yet specifically designed for hair growth and to help stop hair loss.
Folic acid supplementation can help hair growth and boost its shine, help prevent premature graying, and reduce the amount of hair fall you experience. But does not having enough folic acid cause the opposite?
Can a Lack of Folic Acid Cause Hair Loss?
If you’ve taken a recent blood test that indicates you are deficient in B vitamins such as folic acid/folate, there will be tell-tale signs. Too little folic acid in your diet can cause folate deficiency anemia — not so fun.
Potential folic acid deficiency symptoms include irritability, headaches, fatigue, and the one thing we know you’re curious about: thinning hair. Not having enough folic acid means that your body will divert folate from your hair follicles to organs that it deems more important. The result is more hair fall and hair loss because your hair can get weaker when it loses out on folate.
Folate is important for hair health, and folate has many benefits for hair growth. Studies have shown that lacking folic acid can cause hair loss and even premature graying. When you don’t have enough folic acid in your body, your cells cannot regenerate at a rate conducive to healthy cell growth.
If you aren’t receiving enough folic acid in your diet through green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, or fortified cereals, it may be time to look into a folate vitamin. A lack of folic acid may be the culprit if you’ve noticed any dullness of your hair or hair thinning. So what does this mean?
Taking a supplement with an adequate supply of folic acid is important for hair health and your overall well-being. Your hair can certainly reap the benefits of supplementing with folic acid! Consult with your doctor before beginning a new oral supplement routine, but after you’re given the “okay,” our supplements have got you covered.
Help Promote Your Hair Growth Today
Your hair can be an extremely fickle thing to manage, especially as you age. Everyone’s hair is different, and issues can stem from a multitude of reasons. You can talk with one of our specialists today or take a free quiz to learn more about what products can help you maintain healthy hair.