The Better Blog

What’s up with your hair, honey?

What’s up with your hair, honey?

You know my hair is in serious trouble when even my husband of 29 years takes notice. Admittedly, I have never had great hair. My hair is not the shiny, thick, luxurious, abundant type you see in TV commercials. It is thin and I never have had tons of it. However, my husband – as many other husbands - would not typically comment one way or the other… until this morning.
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What my mother never told about Menopause

What my mother never told about Menopause

While I know this is a topic more openly talked about today, menopause is still seen as some terrible thing women will experience. Well, I have news for all of the women out there who fear their impending menopause; it’s not that bad. In fact, it comes at a great time in our lives, and, if we embrace it, it can be empowering.
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How old am I again?

How old am I again?

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will turn 44. Oh no, wait, I will turn 45! This is how I respond in most forms I have filled out since I turned 40. I find myself writing a different age than I am, many times younger, but sometimes older too.
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Do you like yourself more today than 10 years ago?

Do you like yourself more today than 10 years ago?

I may no longer possess the youthful looks of my 20s and 30s, but the confidence and wisdom I now have surely make up for that. Don’t get me wrong, I still care about looking good, and I still love a compliment. But the way I go about looking good now is completely different than in was in my 30s.
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How to take care of your hair? A Baby Boomer's Secret | BNY

Anyone Out There?

It seems like in every article I read, and every chain pharmacy I walk into, the headlines read on creams to fight aging skin. However, now 52, I’ve been noticing changes in my hair, and it seems like no one else finds them relatable. Where are the products for aging hair?
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