What to Expect With Sex After Menopause & How to Make it Better

There are a number of complications that can result from having sex after menopause. Most women find that their body doesn’t respond the same way it used to, with many experiencing little to no sensations when being intimate with their partners. Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) is one of the most common reasons women aren’t as interested in sex after menopause, affecting almost 50% of postmenopausal women.

Women may experience none or all of the thirty four possible changes that come with menopause, and everything in between. Every woman’s experience is unique and valid.

What You Can Expect From Sex After Menopause

A decreased libido, painful intercourse, and difficulty climaxing are probably just a few of the many things that come to mind when you think about post-menopausal sex. Estrogen production drops sharply while testosterone declines steadily as you get older, both of which contribute to a decrease in libido. However, most women who’ve had hysterectomies can also experience a dramatic drop in libido. Vaginal atrophy - due to the plummeting of estrogen - thins the vaginal lining and reduces natural lubrication, resulting in vaginal dryness, itching, or burning during sex after menopause. Medications for blood pressure can also decrease blood flow to the pelvis, impeding arousal and orgasm.

How to Improve Your Sex-Life After Menopause

First and foremost, be honest with your partner about your new experiences and sensations, or lack of. Second - as always, talk to your doctor before attempting to start any new medication or supplement regimen to boost sex after menopause.

There are a number of treatments, both hormonal, and non-hormone related, that you can use to treat dyspareunia and vaginal dryness. Estrogen tablets, creams, and rings can be used to treat vaginal dryness locally by providing a lower hormone alternative than a patch or pill for women who want to improve sex after menopause.

Black cohosh, soy, and red clover are a few natural herbal supplements you could try to increase your libido. One study determined that women who took 20mg of black cohosh every day for eight weeks reported significantly fewer hot flashes. You can also take supplements to combat the underlying causes of a decreased libido, such as hot flashes and mental fog. 

Vaginal moisturizers can be used regularly to relieve vaginal dryness and increase vaginal moisture while water-based lubricants can provide relief from vaginal dryness during sex. Zestra Essential Oils are formulated to enhance a woman’s sexual experience and can be bought over the counter. 70% of the women enrolled in Zestra clinical trials reported increased arousal, desire, and satisfaction. On the other hand, the Eros Therapy System is an alternative to medical intervention, as it’s intended to be used as a natural stimulant. 90% of women enrolled in Eros clinical therapy trials reported an increase in sensation, with 80% reporting increased sexual satisfaction.

No matter what you decide to be the right answer for you, when combatting issues with sex after menopause, know that this isn’t the end of the road - far from it.

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